Skintarget Biological Developments SL (SKINTARGET) is a biotech start-up focused on Research & Development of innovative, breaking, marketable technologies and products for skin care and regeneration.


  • Cosmetic skin care and regeneration
  • Eco-sustainable sunscreens
  • Skin antiaging and antipollution
  • Therapeutic skin regeneration
  • Chronic wounds and ulcers
  • Psoriasis and atopic dermatitis
  • Skin care in oncological patients

Located at  Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Madrid)


Dermocosmetics and Regenerative Medicine.
The NEEDS exist for the development of breaking products for skin care and regeneration showing real effectiveness.


Current needs in the skin care and regeneration market define hot-spot R&D niches:


Eco friendly products for photoprotection and skin regeneration 

  • Available sunscreens are based on physical or chemical filters, synthetic compounds that may be harmful for the user and for the environment. 
  • Most antiaging and skin regeneration cosmetics are hydrogels containing a set of additional molecules that presumably act in the dermis. 
  • These molecules are unable to cross the skin barrier, showing a very low efficiency. Only very small molecules, atoms or subatomic particles, e. g. photons, may cross the skin barrier.

Regenerative Medicine

Healing of chronic wounds and ulcers 

(Elder and/or diabetic patients or chronic surgical wound) 

  • No effective therapies.
  • These lesions can persist for months or even years, showing little or no tendency to heal, causing pain and social distress. 
  • The global economic cost is measured in billions of euros. These lesions can account for almost 4-8% of total health system budget in western countries and this proportion is increasing. 


Is positioned in two fastest-growing areas of the skin care and regeneration biotechnological market :

 Dermocosmetics and Regenerative Medicine.


SKINTARGET proposal to become a competitive and suitable partner for dermatology and cosmetic market players is based on a unique, innovative technology supported by more than 15 years of previous experimental work.

This technology relies on the controlled photonic activation of a transient production of stimulating reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels in mammalian cells and tissues.


A) The photodynamic process for a controlled ROS production, involving three elements: a photosensible molecule (PS), light and molecular oxygen.  Absorption of adequate wavelength photons by the PS induces a transition to an excited state. Dynamic return of the PS to a background state implies electron transfer to molecular oxygen and the generation of ROS


B) Using the PS Protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) molecule, present in the mitochondria of most mammalian cells, for a controlled activation of endogenous ROS production. Excitation of PpIX with Red light induces ROS production. A suitable combination of red-light irradiation doses and PpIX precursors (ALA: aminolevulinic acid; mALA: methylaminolevulinate) in the presence of molecular oxygen results in a non-lethal ROS production in the cell.

Click on image for a larger view

At present, we have two main R&D lines:


Highly-efficient, topical-use, eco-friendly compositions for photoprotection, antiaging  and skin regeneration


Critical Innovation: Using the process of Sequential Photonic Transfer between organic compounds of plant origin to transform UV light into skin-stimulating red light.


Ergonomic, user friendly, flexible LED + topic hydrogel device for rapid healing of chronic wounds and ulcers

(Patent application in process)

Critical Innovation: Using a unique synergic combination of infrared light and eco-sustainable plant compounds to directly activate the production of stimulating ROS  in cells and tissues.


Winner Cantabria Labs Celebrate Innovation 2022 Award-Photobiology

The PHOTOSKIN technology is based on the breaking concept of Sequential Photonic Transfer between adjacent organic compounds.

Take a sunbath to regenerate your skin

The Sequential Photonic Transfer process implemented for topical use in the skin, whereby an organic molecule (or mix) A on the epidermal surface absorbs deleterious UV photons (PHOTOPROTECTIVE EFFECT), emitting blue-light photons, and an adjacent organic molecule (or mix) B absorbs blue-light photons emitting red-light photons. 

Red-light photons can easily cross the skin barrier an interact with an endogenous photosensitizer C, typically PpIX, activating a ROS-dependent homeostatic program of skin regeneration (SKIN REGENERATION EFFECT).

Click on image for a larger view


The regulatory strategy for PHOTOSKIN-based products to lay the ground for further manufacturing in GMP conditions involves registration of functionally validated prototypes as cosmetics following EU Legislation (Cosmetics Regulation (EC) Nº 1223/2009).

Registration requires safety validation testing of the following standard conditions:


Factory of ideas

SkinTarget BD aims is to work as a factory of ideas rather than as large scale production and/or final distribution company.

Business plan

Our basic business plan consist in the licensing to target companies the exclusive use of new technologies/marketable prototypes showing a high commercial interest, and further royalty on sales dale

Work plan

Our work plan consist in the development of technologies and prototypes to a 5-8 Technology Readiness Level and further exposition to market through intensive marketing, communication and direct contact campaigns.

Regulatory Strategy

Product registration as cosmetic in UE/NA



We are experts in experimental skin testing.

We may evaluate and characterize, at your required cell, molecular and /or tissue resolution level, the skin response (toxicity, stimulation, protection, etc.) to organic or inorganic molecules of your choice using different experimental models:

  • Primary skin cell cultures
  • Organotypic cultures of human skin
  • Human Hair follicles “ex vivo”
  • Physiological mouse skin
  • Wound and burn healing in mouse skin
  • Mouse models of cutaneous diseases (e.g., psoriasis, atopic dermatitis)
  • “In vitro” UV photoprotection testing

We implement each experimental design to fit with your needs, optimising output results to obtain high quality information.


+34 677 49 59 70

+34 677 49 59 70




CSO. General Manager
Research & Development
PhD in Biological Sciences

+34 677 49 59 70




Institute of Life Sciencies, Building E, Francisco de Vitoria University, Pozuelo-Majadahonda Rd. Km. 1.800, 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid, Spain


+34 677 49 59 70




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